About Us

WISE is a local non-profit group dedicated to science and environmental education in the Copper River Basin. All the proceeds from “Copper Country Discovery Tour” help to fund educational programs for youth and adults in the region of the Wrangell-St. Elias Mountains. These programs include outdoor events for school children, a public lecture series in which visiting scientists share their research with local citizens, and in-classroom activities and presentations. WISE partners with many other Copper Valley organizations and agencies. 

Environmental Education Programs

Kids Ice Fishing Clinic

At beginning of every April, the WISE Kids Ice Fishing Clinic brings families and volunteers together for a day of fun, learning, and outdoor recreation at Silver Lake. Volunteers from the Bureau of Land Management and the Alaskan Department of Fish and Game drill holes, provide loaner equipment, and give fishing tips.

Changing Seasons

This program focuses on second and third grade students and takes place the middle week of September. School District, correspondence, and home school students are all invited.

Four learning stations focus on ways the natural world and humans are affected by the approach of winter. Activities take place outdoors where small groups of children travel from station to station learning about weather, animal and plant changes; observations, and how all things are connected. This is a field trip for students in the school districts.

Earth Discovery Day

Bringing together all 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students in the Copper River Basin, Earth Discovery Day is held every year at the beginning of May. Each grade level has four learning stations. Subjects include fish identification; recycling; live bird presentations; Enviroscape; Leave No Trace; tree identification; native cultural studies; ATV safety; bird identification, and use of the atlatl.  As in previous years WISE enlisted the support of high schools students to present some of the learning stations. The event is held at the Wrangell St. Elias Visitor Center. 

Both “Changing Seasons" and "Earth Discovery Day" are designed to be a culminating experience for elementary life sciences. Students rotate through various stations which reinforce their knowledge of ecological principles.

By applying their collection and analysis of scientific data as well as using observation skills, students may gain a stewardship ethic based on scientific understanding and increased awareness of the local environment.

Aquatic Ecology Camp

During the summer, WISE takes local middle school students on two days of aquatic exploration within Wrangell St. Elias National Park and Preserve. 

Literally getting their feet wet as acting field scientist, students take water samples, analyze oxygen levels, set fyke nets, make determinations and predictions of whether fish could be present in varying ponds and streams, study culvert placements and stream morphology, examine plankton, set minnow traps, dissect trout, study river dynamics on a stream table, and even learn to row a boat and cast a fly rod.

WISE/BLM Youth Hikes

As a part of the greater Take It Outside initiative, WISE, in partnership with BLM, leads a series of weekly, youth-centered hikes each summer in the Copper River Basin.  Boreal forest, mountains, rivers, kettle lakes, mud volcanoes, and waterfalls provide the backdrop for engaging activities and lessons on Leave No Trace principles and environmental science. Past destinations have included the Tonsina Bluff Trail, Tangle Lakes,  and Liberty Falls.

In-Class Science Program

WISE, in partnership with Copper Valley Electric Association and Copper Valley Telephone, is helping to bring science education into the Copper River School District classrooms (CRSD). With the generous support of CVEA and CVT, WISE has been able to purchase science kits and deliver programs that enhance and compliment the curriculum of CRSD classes.  

Throughout the district schools, kindergarten students will be introduced to magnets; first grade, electricity; second grade, simple machines; third grade, sound; fourth grade, electricity; fifth grade, chemistry: matter and change; sixth grade, energy, heat and energy transfer.

Copper River Stewardship Program

This hands-on program takes 10 youth from communities throughout the region on an in-depth adventure through the Copper River watershed.  Participants meet with representatives from a wide range of fields and perspectives along the way, learning about what makes this watershed so special, as well as the challenges the region faces.

 After completing their journey, participants create a unique project to share their experience with others.  We hope you enjoy the projects we have posted here and invite your ideas and feedback for future stewardship programs.

Science Lecture Series

WISE, in partnership with Prince William Sound Community College, hosts a public science  lecture series beginning in the fall of each year. Venues vary depending on lecture, but most presentations are held at the PWSCC campus in Glennallen.  Past lecturers have included professional storytellers, biologists, seismologists, and historians.